Retail Product Management Software

From the easy to use, intuitive all-in-one product management page, to retrieving product details based on scanned barcodes, pick-list based restocking orders, and synchronising with your cloud POS system, RetailBasics has all of your product and inventory management requirements covered.

All details for each product in one place: RetailBasics single form for product details lets you capture every detail relating to an individual product via a single entry form. All product attributes starting with individual buy and sell prices, product category and associated expenditure account, through to barcode details and label information, shipping packages, wholesale suppliers and bulk pricing are all entered via a single form.

Barcode loopups for individual and bulk packages

As you enter product details, you can scan individual and bulk package barcodes and RetailBasics will fetch all the product details and images it can find from our barcode database partner, saving you valuable time and the drudgery of manually typing in product data.

Picklist based restocking order entry

When it comes time to place restocking orders with your regular suppliers, RetailBasics will fetch all of the products relevant to the supplier and pre-fill your order with product details, anticipated wholesale pricing and your default order quantity for each item. All you need do is tick the boxes for the items you want included in the order, and adjust the quantity if you wish. When you are happy, just finalise the order and RetailBasics will take care of emailing it off to the supplier in PDF or spreadsheet form for you.

POS system synchronisation

Take advantage of RetailBasics' advanced functions to make managing your product data easy as it can be, then let RetailBasics take care of updating your POS system as you add new products, remove products or update product details.

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Retail Product Management Software Features FAQ

Can I easily change product pricing for many products at once?


Absolutely! With our bulk re-pricing tool, RetailBasics allows you to select products for repricing based on a number of criteria, including price, supplier, product category or markup. You can then quickly and easily apply new prices to any of the products that matched the your selection criteria. Alternatively, if you want to apply the same sell price to a number of products in one go, you can select the products you want from the product list and just apply a pricing edit to all selected products.

Does RetailBasics make it easier for me to record new products?


RetailBasics will certainly make life easier for you when it comes to adding new products to your inventory. With support for barcode scanning built in and our integration with our global barcode database partner, RetailBasics can find product descriptions and images for millions of individual products and bulk packages, saving you the trouble of manually entering product data when new products come along.

Will RetailBasics allow me to compare wholesale pricing from different suppliers?


Being able to source products based on price is a fundamental requirement of any retail business that needs to regularly restock lines and where multiple wholesalers can help with the same product. RetailBasics allows you to see which wholesale provider offers the best price for each product, and will recommend that supplier when it comes time to place restocking orders. And best wholesale price can compare pricing based on unit pricing, or bulk packages of varying sizes for the same product from different wholesalers.

How will RetailBasics work with my POS system to manage products?


With RetailBasic's inbuilt POS system integrations, you can rest assured that every time you add a new product, make a simple change to a product, make bulk changes to prices or delete product in RetailBasics, your POS system will be updated instantly. No more entering data in two places to keep systems in sync, RetailBasics will take care of the details for you, so you can take care of selling!